Monday, October 22, 2012


Failure –this is the thing which hurts you a lot than everything in the life. But remember one thing that failure is the only one opportunity to begin again…what will happen when failure comes, you had just tried. 

                              Don’t think that the failure is the last result... you can try the same thing again and again until the success comes, never give up until you get what you want. 

There is a small inch of distance between the failure and success but the way you approach decides what you will get .So, think wisely and approach the things and do the things wisely. You can start your life from the zero based stage again; there is no issue and no loss. Do whatever you want and this is your life- go in your way, don’t think about others that what they think and how they feel. This is only your life only yours not others. Live for your sake and not for others. Be happy always, it gives you a lot.